For me to be such a money-saver, I don't do thrift stores very often (though we do have a nice desk in our office that was a thrift store steal, and lamps in our living room that were thrift store finds of my aunt's). The problem is I'm not really a fan of hit-or-miss shopping. So thrift stores, and even places like Ross and TJ Maxx, aren't places I have a lot of patience for. I am JUST now starting to get clothes for my daughter at consignment shops. And even then, sometimes, I'm not impressed with their prices because with my couponing and deal-seeking resources, I can find those same items NEW at the same (sometimes better) prices.
Anyway, my mom, a thrift store junkie, came to my house this weekend and I knew she'd love a visit to a thrift store. So off we went. If you can't tell by my blog, I'll tell you now: WE LOVE BOOKS in this house. So naturally I navigated to the book section expecting to see a messy pile of old, yucky books. I was pleasantly surprised to find clean* books neatly stacked on shelves, and plenty of them!
And the prices? Like 39 and 49 cents! The most I paid for one was $1.99, but that book was almost new and retailed for $10. I grabbed several board books for my little one. Then I found this:
Which was cool since I already owned this:
And then I ran across the book below and thought it was cool (though we can't use it until Morgan's a little older):
A few seconds later, I realized it was a SIGNED copy (by just one of the authors, but still)!
How awesome is that!
Now I could have gone to a thrift store that only takes nice books or maybe it was just a good day to drop by -- I know thrift stores are hit-or-miss -- but I was pleased with the selection and what I brought home. But not more pleased than my little one. Which makes it even better!
So, though I have my favorite spots to shop for books (a little company mentioned more than once on this blog), I may start paying a visit to the thift store more often!
* ...though they still got a good ol' disinfecting wipe down. :)
Image Sources:,
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